Fast Fashion Survey Analysis

Fast Fashion Survey Analysis My reseach topic: Fast Fashion Target: Japanese University Students Numbers of respondents: 19 (Summary) Students answered 7 questions about fast fashion. (Results) #1 Graph#1 shows that 18 students have own fast fashion clothes. #2 Graph#2 shows that all 19 students have bought fast fashion clothes. #3 Graph#3 shows that 17 students like fast fashion and 2 tudents do not. These graph below is from the 17 people who answered "Yes" to question 3. #Y-4 Graph#Y4 show that 7 people like ZARA, 4 people like GU, 3 people like UNIQLO, 3 people like H&M, and 0 people like WEGO. #Y-5 Graph#Y5 shows that the main reasons people buy fast fashion clothes are good design and cheap. #Y-6 Graph#Y6 show that more than half of the respondents have bought one since the buginning of this year. #Y-7 Graph#Y7 shows that all 17 people buy fast fashion clothes at least once a year. These graph below is from the 2 people who answered "No" to que...